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WeDo SCRATCH programming

  • Introduction to Coding and Robotics

  • Using Scratch is, a block-based visual programming language developed by the MIT Media Lab

  • Hands On Education

  • Guided by teachers and administrators who “live and breathe” for Scratch and Robotics

  • Promote creativity skills in pupils ages K1-K6 (6-12 years old).


  • Basics of Scratch programming and  Robotics Education.

  • Methodologies and Strategies

  • Development of educational scenarios

  • Development of logic skills serving as the foundation for fun

  •  How to teach the basics of computer science while creating digitally interactive puzzles and exciting games

What You’ll Learn

  • For K-12 teachers, afterschool program coaches, college/university faculty interested to learn about Scratch programming.

  • For teachers with little or no programming experience who would like to learn both the fundamentals of robotics programming and pedagogy associated with the accompanying CS-STEM concepts.

  • For participants interested in designing, programming and building robots using the latest  robotics technology.

Who Should Attend

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